Supported byBrief introductionInternational Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLight-2018), which will be held on October 01-05, 2018, is the broad-scope, annual international symposium dedicated to the most important aspects of ultrafast phenomena in different fields of natural sciences and engineering. The Conference topics: 1. Radiation and nuclear photonics at high fields 2. Ultrafast phenomena in condensed matter and ionized gases 3. Ultrafast laser nanofabrication and nanophotonics 4. Femtosecond non-linear optics. Filamentation. High field THz generation.5. Femtosecond laser photobiology and photochemistry. 6. Physics and technology of ultrashort laser pulses and innovative femtosecond laser technology.7. Femtosecond radiation in spectroscopy and optical frequency metrology. Website: Chair - Nikolay N. Kolachevsky (LPI), vice-chair - Andrey A. Ionin (LPI) Venue P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI), Leninskiy prospect 53, Moscow