[5 presentations] LPM2023 in Hirosaki, Japan


*Kotaro Obata1, Mirai Hanzawa1, 2, Hiroyuki Kawano1, 3, Kazunari Ozasa1, Yasutaka Hanada4, Atsushi Miyawaki1, 3, Godai Miyaji2, Koji Sugioka1 1.RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP), 2.Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3.RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS), 4.Hirosaki University, 3D fabrication of amorphous fluor polymer CYTOP by molding using two-photon polymerized micro-structures, R3-S03-4, 13 June, 15:00-15:20, oral.

*Junji Morimoto1, 2, Shi Bai3, Kotaro Obata1, Godai Miyaji2, Koji Sugioka1 1.RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP), 2.Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3.Hebei University of Science and Technology, Formation of a single nanogroove on ZnO surface by femtosecond laser pulse, P1-6, 14 June, poster.

*Mirai Hanzawa1, 2, Kotaro Obata1, Hiroyuki Kawano1, 3, Kazunari Ozasa1, Yasutaka Hanada4, Atsushi Miyawaki1, 3, Godai Miyaji2, Koji Sugioka1, 1.RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics (RAP), 2.Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3.RIKEN Center for Brain Science (CBS), 4.Hirosaki University, 3D CYTOP biochips fabricated using two-photon polymerized mold for high-resolution bioimaging, P1-16, 14 June, poster.

*Shota Kawabata1, 2, Shi Bai1, 3, Kotaro Obata1, Godai Miyaji2, Koji Sugioka1, 1.RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics , 2.Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 3.Hebei University of Science and Technology, Novel 2D LIPSS formed on titanium surface by GHz burst mode femtosecond laser pulses, R4-S24-1, 15 June, oral.

Akihiro Ishihara1, *Godai Miyaji1, 1.Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Periodic nanostructure formation on metal and semiconductor induced with few-cycle laser pulses, P2-5, 15 June, poster.

TUAT Miyaji lab.

Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering