[FLASH] ガラス表面に均一なナノ周期構造を安定形成する技術

国立大学法人 東京農工大学 大学院工学研究院 先端物理工学部門 宮地 悟代 教授、同大学院学生 長井 大輔 氏(当時)、三善 武碩 氏と、国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所 電子光基礎技術研究部門 奈良崎 愛子 総括研究主幹、高田 英行 主任研究員、吉富 大 主任研究員は共同で、レーザー加工によりガラス表面にナノメートルサイズの周期構造(ナノ周期構造)を低欠損で形成するデータ駆動型レーザー加工技術を開発しました。ポイントは以下の3つです。

  • ガラス表面へのナノ加工時の欠損率を従来法と比べて約30分の1に低減
  • 光学シミュレーションによりナノ周期構造形成時のガラスの透過率が高くなる原因を解明
  • 低反射などの機能を必要な部分に位置選択的に付与した光学部品製造に貢献

掲載誌:Light: Advanced Manufacturing


論文名:Stable fabrication of femtosecond-laser-induced periodic nanostructures on glass using real-time monitoring and active feedback control

著者名:Godai Miyaji*, Daisuke Nagai, Takemichi Miyoshi, Hideyuki Takada, Dai Yoshitomi, Aiko Narazaki*

DOI :10.37188/lam.2025.003

Abstract: Femtosecond laser pulses can be employed to directly form periodic nanostructures on solid surfaces, including hard materials such as diamond and sapphire, via ablation. Thus, this technique is promising for industrial nanofabrication applications. However, the stable formation of uniform nanostructures is challenging because of their high sensitivity to changes in processing conditions, such as the surface roughness of materials and laser power. Herein, we report a real-time monitoring and control approach for fabricating high-quality nanostructures on glass surfaces. We measured the reflectance and transmittance of a laser-irradiated surface simultaneously and determined their specific values corresponding to the formation of a uniform nanostructure with a period of 200 nm and depth of 1 μm. By utilising these values as feedback signals in a proportional-integral-derivative control system, we adjusted the laser power during irradiation to form a uniform nanostructure. This approach led to a significant reduction in the defect ratio of the nanostructure (~2.4%), which represents a 10-fold reduction compared with uncontrolled processing. Our results demonstrate the potential for the stable and direct fabrication of high-quality nanostructures on solids and offer a valuable method for the quality assurance of nanostructures for various applications.



TUAT Miyaji lab.

Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering