Brief introductionInternational Conference on Ultrafast Optical Science (UltrafastLIght-2017), which will be held on October 03-05, 2017, is the first broad-scope, annual international symposium dedicated to the most important aspects of ultrafast phenomena in different fields of natural sciences and engineering. The Conference topics:1. Ultrafast high-field science 2. Ultrafast phenomena in condensed matter and ionized gases3. Ultrafast laser nanofabrication and nanophotonics4. Femtosecond non-linear optics. Filamentation 5. Femtosecond radiation in spectroscopy and optical frequency metrologyWebsite: ultrafastlight-2017.lebedev.ruChair - Nikolay N. Kolachevsky (LPI), vice-chair - Andrey A. Ionin (LPI)UltrafastLight-2017 Second call (download)Registration and Abstract form (download)Program (Rus version) (download) Program (ENG version) (download) VenueP.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI), Leninskiy prospect 53, Moscow,119991, RussiaHow to reach: 1.5 hours from international airport